Beta 1

Ok, so I guess this is the first update in this devlog. I've mostly created the page for use when my game was actually final. But in the interest of being transparent and keeping people hyped (rofl) I'll post some updates here as well.

The first beta of breakhack was released last night. You can read more about the details in this blog post. There is also this reddit post where I received some fantastic feedback.

From what I gathered from all the feedback I have some additional fixes to make for the Beta-2 release. Mainly "explaining" in the form of tooltips and keybindings. I figure this is a common case when writing a game, the mechanics come first and then you realize that it might not be obvious to others how the game works.

I guess some additional feedback wouldn't hurt but from what I have gotten so far there hasn't been many comments on the actual gameplay, of course there is the inevitable discussion concerning diagonal vs no diagonal movement. But in this case I think I'll stick with what I have.

You can follow the dev progress on the github page if you are interested in checking out the development flow r even contribute.

// Liq


BreakHack Beta 1
Aug 15, 2018

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